Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students
May 21, 2020
Dear Student:
On May 7, 2020, we wrote to inform you about Round 1 of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund – Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students. During Round 1, the College received 36 applications from students requesting $53,119. Based on the criteria established by the U.S. Secretary of Education, the College allocated a total of $24,970., for an average award of $960.
The College now announces Round 2 of HEERF funding. In this round, awards will be distributed solely on the basis of each student’s EFC as determined by the U.S. Department of Education through the FAFSA process. In order to achieve the goal of distributing these funds to widest population of eligible students, Round 2 will be limited to those who did not participate in Round 1 or who received an award in Round 1 of less than $500. In addition, Round 2 will be limited to a maximum award of $500 per eligible student. The College expects to award approximately $200,000 to about 500 students during Round 2.
In order to receive funding, eligible students are only required to read, sign and submit the certification statement below by July 31, 2020.