Machinal at Five Towns College Performing Arts Center


Sophie Treadwell’s Machinal is a 1928 play inspired by the real-life event of the conviction and execution of Ruth Snyder, one of the first females to be electrocuted for capital murder in the United States. More importantly, Treadwell examines the mind of an individual woman crushed by the weight of the go-go world of success, wealth, and desire in a “machine” age, where human dignity and love are considered useless amid greed and desire for fame. This is not unlike today, where we are measured by the number of “likes” we have on our social media or the importance of being an “influencer,” both of which create the “machine-like” world we inhabit.
– David Krasner

Written by Sophie Treadwell
Directed by David Krasner


Husband/Mr. Jones – Cameron Quinones
Young Woman/Helen/Woman – Hazel Ragsdell
Father – Alex McLaughlin
First Man/Man – Aidan Barrio
Filing Clerk/Man 2/Judge/Priest – Eli Herrero
Telephone Girl/Girl in Bar – Sabrina Daysie Huancayo
Filing Clerk/Prosecutor/Guard 1 – Nataliyah Arencebia
Adding Clerk/Nurse/Defense Lawyer/Barber – Zara Martinez-Zolotor
Stenographer/Guard-Jailer/Barber 2 – Maggie Switzer
Doctor/Court Reporter/Guard 2 – Tryston Bellon
Ensemble – Nathalie Reyes